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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

7 Steps to Set Boundaries with Yourself

Often, as women, we leave those gates and doors wide open. We let our early experiences, significant relationships, and even culture decorate that internal house until one day, we look around and think, “This is my house? This isn’t me.” We look at the people lounging on the sofa, looking through our old photo albums, criticizing our cooking and we just want to kick them all out but instead we offer them a drink and try harder to make them happy.

So. How do we set boundaries with ourselves?

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

4 Steps to Manage Imposter Syndrome

The email says she wants to talk to you after lunch. Gah! What? She hates me. She has found out that I am not actually good enough to do this job. Here it comes. I’m fired. Maybe I should just quit, then she can’t fire me.

Turns out she just wanted to let you know that the job you just finished turned out well. Whew.

Why did my brain have to make such a big thing out of this? Ugh. I am so ridiculous. I know these thoughts are not accurate, but I can’t seem to stop them from coming, and I can’t seem to stop myself from believing them. I am a hot mess. No wonder she wants to fire me. Oh…wait.. she doesn’t, that’s right.

Welcome to the brain that struggles with imposter syndrome.

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

How Does Therapy Help High-Functioning Anxiety?

A lot of people do not realize that “high functioning anxiety” is a thing. Even people who experience it do not realize it is anxiety. We think it is stress. We experience overthinking, shaking, headaches, sleep issues, burnout, and fatigue. We find that we worry a lot about what people think, which drives impeccable attention to diet, nutrition, exercise, fashion, education, achievement, striving, perfectionism.

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

10 Ways to Reduce Anxiety by Setting Realistic Big Goals

We can let our ambition run away with us, especially in January when we have a clean calendar stretching out in front of us. We think we have so much time! When we think of everything we want to do, surely 12 months will get us there.

When we crash into the hard reality that life quite often gets in the way of doing all of these things, it makes us want to give up on all of it. If we can’t do these things perfectly, we don’t want to do them at all.

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

10 Things to Consider in Creating Your Guiding Principles for 2023

The act of creating guiding principles addresses so many needs of my clients. Guiding principles help us connect to our values, because our values inform our guiding principles. They give us a layer of security when we want to waffle in indecision, overthinking, people pleasing, or perfectionism. Once we catch ourselves lacking a sense of peace about a decision, it’s time to revisit the guiding principles. Then, the decision becomes clear and so do any boundaries that may need to accompany the decision. It may still be hard to walk it forward, but you can feel solid and authentic in knowing why you are doing (or not doing) something.

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

How Anxiety Impacts Decision Fatigue and 5 Ways to Get Ahead of It.

First of all, yes, “decision fatigue” is a real thing. It happens when your brain is just tuckered out from having to make so many decisions. They don’t even need to be hard decisions. Just relentless, repetitive, and constantly tasking. Add hard decisions or anxiety-producing situations into the mix and your decision muscle is a gooey-mess.

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

10 Ways to Manage People-Pleasing and Perfectionism During the Holidays

Selecting gifts creates a sense of anxious urgency that is more pressing for women who struggle with people-pleasing and perfectionism. This is because, quite simply, we attach meaning about ourselves to the act of giving gifts. The gift is more than a way to bless someone; it is also a way to feel good enough, to maintain an image of perfection, proof that you are a thoughtful/classy/organized/giving/good person.

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

Re-Defining Normal

We intertwine our identity so much with what we have deemed “normal” that being asked to consider another perspective feels like we are being dismissed.

Everyone’s “normal” is different, and therein lies the problem. It might be helpful to take a look at how we create our “personal normal” in the first place.

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

Wide Awake. You Too? Journaling Tips for Insomnia

So here I am, figuring that if I am awake at 4:30AM, someone else is, too. Someone needs to know insomnia happens to everyone, even therapists.

It doesn’t have to be habitual, though. In fact if it is habitual, you may be someone who could use some extra help working on what is keeping you awake. And not just from me. I can help with strategies to address emotional distress. Sometimes insomnia accompanies anxiety. Or PTSD. Or grief. But sometimes the cause is medical in nature. Often if we have physical symptoms, our emotional experience can exacerbate them and vice versa, which creates a cycle that maintains itself. It is important to work on the physical symptoms and address things diagnoses and medications in tandem with practical solutions like reducing caffeine and alcohol use, increasing exercise (but not too close to bedtime), and implementing good sleep hygiene routines like cutting out screentime before bed, a cup of tea, a warm relaxing bath.

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

Get Ready for the Holidays with Intentionality

The extra events and to-do list items can be tough for anyone. Those who have challenging family dynamics, grief, and/or an adjustment to some kind of new “normal” can find the holidays to be extra difficult. Anxiety ramps up, and the holidays offer a smorgasbord of unhealthy coping strategies: obligations to shop and advertising that talks you into spending more, freely-flowing alcohol and high sugar/high fat foods, endless events that can keep you from slowing down to feel your feelings, and that false reassurance that if you do enough you can make Christmas magical for everyone around you.

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

The FACETS Model to Clarify Your Internal Experience

Just like a diamond, our experiences are made up of different facets. Often, when they are negative, they look like a jumbled mess. We need to consider each facet to make sense of what we are experiencing. Then we can figure out what we can do about it – or if we want to do anything at all about it. Sometimes just separating the thoughts from the feelings from the facts, etc. helps shrink the issue down to a more manageable size

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

6 Signs You Might Be a Control Freak

The hard truth is that there are many things in life that we just cannot control. And yet, that doesn’t stop us from trying. We often don’t realize that we are trying to control as much as we are. Subsequently, we don’t recognize that we beat ourselves up for failing to control something that wasn’t ours to control in the first place.

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

Grounding to Relieve Anxiety

Our thoughts during times of big emotions turn into future catastrophizing. We anticipate all kinds of terrible future outcomes and react as if they are all happening right now. We become emotionally flooded and the rational part of our brain checks out temporarily. We are in survival mode. Bringing ourselves back to the present time reminds us that we are safe. Right here, right now, nothing terrible is happening.

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

Overwhelmed? Do the Next Thing

When life hits you with overwhelming circumstances, sometimes you just do not know where to start. It’s all so incredibly overwhelming, especially when you feel like you are fighting multiple battles at once. Maybe there are many different directions you could take to deal with your circumstances (which feels overwhelming). Maybe it seems like there are none. But there is always at least one “next thing.”

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

10 Ways Journaling Helps Anxiety

Jennie Sheffe describes 10 ways journaling can help bring relief for anxious thoughts and feelings and highlights some common obstacles to giving journaling a try.

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

5 Ways to Better Understand Your Emotions

People who are aware of their emotions, those who get allllllll the big feels are often shamed for being emotional.

Emotions are signs that there is something going on inside that needs our attention.

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

Why Christian Women Want a Christian Counselor

Christian women can feel painfully alone in our struggles. We assume that if we are not happy, put-together, optimistic, we must lack faith. If we share this struggle, then everyone will know we are not trusting God the way we are supposed to.

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

10 Ways to Improve Your Self-Esteem

Somewhere along the way, these thoughts took form and our brains practiced them until they became beliefs. Our brains believed these lies, and then looked for evidence that they are true. We expect them to be true, and it all happens automatically. Intentional thought morphs into a backdrop of negative messages. We develop a filter through which we look at life; this filter shows us that we are not enough.

These negative thoughts do not feel optional.

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

8 Steps to Tackling Anxious Overwhelm

We can be overwhelmed by those "Murphy's Law" kind-of days, where everything that can go wrong, does. But when we have multiple stressors that are deeper than daily events going wrong, we can feel long-term overwhelm.

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