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How to Deal With Overthinking using the FACETS Approach
Just like a diamond is one thing with many facets, when we experience emotional distress and indecision there are many sides to it. The FACETS approach can help women find relief from the anxiety of overthinking.
10 Tips for Making Peace with Imperfection
“Oh, I am just a perfectionist!” We toss that label around as if it is no big deal. This is an acceptable label, often used in an attempt to be self-deprecating yet still make ourselves look good.
However, perfectionism can actually be a big deal.
5 Ways to Free Yourself from the Anxiety of People-Pleasing
When our own opinion matters, it is easier to be clear on where we want to spend our time, money, and emotional energy.
Help for Anxiety
Are you feeling anxious and overwhelmed? This blog post helps define anxiety and offer some deep breathing strategies to help you find relief.
So What Is EMDR Therapy?
EMDR is a highly effective approach to treating trauma, but it also works well for anxiety symptoms that we don’t normally think of as trauma. This blog helps demystify EMDR therapy by explaining what it is and 6 things EMDR is not.