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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

Create Your Guiding Principles for the New Year

Guiding principles help us connect to our values, because our values inform our guiding principles. They give us a layer of security when we want to waffle in indecision, overthinking, people pleasing, or perfectionism. Once we catch ourselves lacking a sense of peace about a decision, it’s time to revisit the guiding principles.

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

Christmas is Messy

There are a lot of extra things on our to-do lists during the holiday season. There are also a lot of extra things on our calendars during the holiday season (reducing the likelihood of accomplishing all the things on the to-do list). Mix that up with the expectations of others (real and/or perceived) and the meanings we have attached to doing all the things and we have the ingredients for a hot mess. So far, I am just writing about the “extra” Christmas things – It gets even more complicated when we add in the difficult family dynamics that go on behind closed doors in our families.

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

Ways to Incorporate Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a way to bring yourself into the present moment by focusing on your body, your surroundings, what is happening in and around you right here, right now.

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

10 Types of Self-Care

Before we dive into this too much, I want to clear up some possible misconceptions about what self-care actually is, and what it’s not.

Many people seem to think that self-care is spa days and bubble baths and spending huge amounts of time and money on yourself.

Some think it is too self-focused, that it is selfish and causes people to become prideful and greedy.

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

Journal Prompts for Advent

I grew up recognizing advent as a symbolic way to anticipate and remember Jesus coming to earth on Christmas. This year, I created some journal prompts for each advent week. I’d love for you to journal along with me. Feel free to pick and choose the prompts that speak to you.

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

Creating a Habit of Gratitude

Gratitude. It may not feel super-effective when it is forced, but sometimes we have to force it so that we can get into the habit of being grateful. This is a quality that successfully increases with a fake it ‘til you make it approach.

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

Get Ready for the Holidays with Intentionality (Revisited)

The extra events and to-do list items can be tough for anyone. Those who have challenging family dynamics, grief, and/or an adjustment to some kind of new “normal” can find the holidays to be extra difficult. Anxiety ramps up, and the holidays offer a smorgasbord of unhealthy coping strategies: obligations to shop and advertising that talks you into spending more, freely-flowing alcohol and high sugar/high fat foods, endless events that can keep you from slowing down to feel your feelings, and that false reassurance that if you do enough you can make Christmas magical for everyone around you.

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

Internal Resources for Resilience

Last week I wrote about many factors that impact resilience.

Although they do all sort of overlap and influence each other, in my opinion, someone’s internal resources may have the most impact on their ability to effectively deal with threats and downregulate afterwards.

Internal resources are powerful because they are within our control.

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

What is Resilience?

We can’t control the cards that are dealt to us, but we can learn how to play the cards we have and develop skill and wisdom to accumulate more cards that will be useful in the future.

There is so much hope in the idea that resilience is possible to learn.

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

5 Tips to Create Balance in your Schedule

Nobody has a perfect, balanced life 100% of the time, because life is just not that way. It is messy and unpredictable and full of wonderful opportunities.

We miss out on things when we turn self-care and balance into rigid rules we must follow.

We also miss out on enjoying what we do when try to do too much.

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

5 Strategies to Address People Pleasing

It is possible to change the way you interact with your world. You can use these strategies to find ways to manage your relationships, your stress, your thoughts and feelings so that you can take care of your needs and still be there for the people you hold dear.

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

People Pleasing Blocks Connection

The saddest thing about people pleasing is that it does not actually deliver what we are looking for by coping this way. Deep down we usually long for true connection with people. We have an inherent need for this connection. There is a sense of safety in being connected to others.

We fall into the habit of people pleasing because we want to fit in, to be accepted, to be liked. We will never get there if we are always presenting a version of ourselves that we think others want.

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

People Pleasing vs. Codependency

When we start talking about people pleasing, the word “codependent” often gets thrown into the mix. People-pleasers can be codependent, but these really are two different things.

Previously, I offered some insight about the way someone’s internal motivations are the difference between someone who is just a nice person and someone who is displaying people-pleasing behaviors.

There is another level to this .

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

Bible Verses to Keep People-Pleasing in Check

As Christians, we want to serve others, because when we are doing this we believe we are serving God.

We know that our works do not save us, but we are overflowing with love and gratitude towards God. Serving others is a way to express that.

It is also a way to help others get a tiny glimpse of the love God has for them.

However, our sinful natures can twist this into something that is not actually serving God but serving ourselves.

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

Internal Motivations of People Pleasers

I define people pleasers as people who tend to constantly meet the needs of others at the expense their own needs because they are driven by certain internal motivations that cause a desire to please others to become a need to please others.

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

Journal Prompts for Military Spouses

I am a big fan of using my own lessons learned to help someone else, so I have compiled some journal prompts with military spouses in mind. Maybe your sense of identity as a military spouse could use some reflection, like mine did. Maybe you are approaching your final years in this lifestyle and need to start thinking about what comes next. Maybe you are holding onto things you need to find a way to say to your active duty spouse. Regardless of your circumstance, I hope you find these helpful.

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

Welcome, War College Spouses!

I have been writing blog posts and putting content on my social media that directly relates to military spouses lately because I really want to drive home the importance of taking time to address your mental health, and getting started now before the year gets underway.

I wanted to extend a specific welcome, tell you why I care about you, re-cap the resources I have made available to you, and answer some questions I am guessing you may have.

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Jennie Sheffe Jennie Sheffe

10 Tips for Finding a Therapist

It’s not easy to ask for help. I remember, as a potential client, looking at therapist profiles and thinking they all kinda sounded the same to me. I didn’t know what the letters after the counselor’s names meant. Did I need an LMFT? Or an LPC? Or a social worker? Psychologist? And what is an NCC? I hate that this is such a nebulous, difficult process, so I have compiled some considerations to hopefully make it a little easier.

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