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Barriers Military Spouses Face in Getting Mental Health Help
Stigma, concerns for confidentiality, and an expectation of self-reliance represent internal barriers to seeking mental health help, but there are some external barriers that military spouses experience, too. These include time, effort, and logistics, such as childcare, transportation, and scheduling. How can we address these barriers?
How Nonmilitary Stressors Become Mental Health Problems for Military Spouses…and Get Missed
This post can apply to any woman because I am talking about those nonmilitary stressors. The specific application to military spouses is that when we leave these things unchecked, they make the military stressors harder to deal with.
We all experience stress, but when we suffer under stress for too long, or when it hits us in a traumatic way, it is very easy to get stuck in a struggle with mental health.
Common Ways Military Spouses Keep Their Mental Health on the Back Burner
Research has suggested that the mental health of the military spouse impacts the mental health of the rest of the family. But often, our solution to helping our family members stay mentally healthy is to pretend we don’t have any issues with our own mental health.
10 Tips for Managing Mixed Emotions (Especially During a Military PCS)
She looked around the echo-y house that held the memories of the most recent chapter of their lives. With all the boxes packed and loaded onto the moving truck, husband and kids settled into a temporary lodging facility, she is alone with the echoes.
And her emotions.
Ohhhh the emotions.
Those don’t pack up so easily.
10 Questions to Ask When You Catch Yourself Mindreading
Mindreading is a cognitive distortion we work on using cognitive behavioral therapy. When we engage in mindreading we have these (often inaccurate) ideas of what other people are thinking. And we just know we are right. This becomes a habitual pattern; we do it without even realizing we are doing it. The thing is, most of the time “they” (whoever “they” are) are not even thinking about us at all.
Coping Strategies for Anxiety
Deep Breaths. Meditation. Mindfulness. Journaling. Mantras. We hear about these things as coping strategies for anxiety, but people tend to blow them off because they seem too simple to make a difference.
Today I want to give a brief explanation of these coping strategies, to include information about why they work. These are thing I tend to talk to clients about a lot… because they do make a difference!
Supporting Someone Who Is Working On Their Mental Health, Part 4: The Process
The work of addressing anxiety is a paradigm shift.
It is unlearning patterns that have become automatic and creating intentional responses to replace them.
This work may be a paradigm shift for you, the supporter, as well.
Supporting Someone Who is Working on their Mental Health, Part 3: Choice & Voice
Therapy can be a hard thing for everyone involved, because mental health struggles are a hard thing for everyone involved. Today’s article focuses on some things you need to know about the process of therapy. I hope to shed light on some of the ways someone in therapy for anxiety or trauma may need your support.
Supporting Someone Who Is Working on Their Mental Health, Part 2: Cultivate Empathy
Most people think of empathy as just good listening, but I see five components of empathy: listening, curiosity, communication, support, and focus on the other person.
Supporting Someone Who Is Working on Their Mental Health, Part 1: Be Mentally Healthy Yourself
When someone is working on their mental health struggles in therapy and they can go home to someone who effectively supports their efforts it can make a huge difference in the progress they can make. It allows them to focus on their issues, without trying to hide their process from their closest people and frees them up to work on the underlying stuff instead of your reaction to their underlying stuff.
Work/Life Balance and the Demanding Job
Work/life balance can be particularly elusive when someone in the family has a demanding job. When that job is also a calling, like the military or the ministry, it can loom even more demanding. Those types of jobs carry the weight of helping others, making the world a better place. To do them well, the balance gets off kilter and it is not easy to make time to adequately readjust.
How to Protect Ourselves from Anxiety
It’s so frustrating to feel anxious, especially when we are aware that what we are anxious about is probably irrational. We can know this in our brain, but our bodies betray us by staying on edge, restless. We get stuck in a cycle of telling our brain, “That’s never going to happen. Stop it.” And then the Brain replies with, “Yes, but what if…?”
It’d be nice to be able to just bottle it up and send it away in the ocean, never to be seen again.
But we need it.
Anxiety is part of life, and actually, it helps us deal with the unpredictable challenges life throws at us.
Journaling for Perfectionism
People often do not know where to start with journaling, what to write about. Usually they think it is about documenting what they did that day. It can be about that, but the kind of journaling I am talking about gets at the thoughts running amok in my brain and sorting out the feelings that respond to those thoughts. It’s about allowing myself to try out new ways of thinking, articulate dreams, solve problems, and send a message to my brain, “I’m working on it! Stop bugging me!”
Perfectionism and the Core Belief of “Not Good Enough”
Perfectionism shows up in a host of behaviors such as people-pleasing, difficulty with boundaries, time management issues, stress, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, overthinking, and overwhelm. In my work as a counselor I have seen that at the very core of perfectionism there is a limiting belief of “I am not good enough.”
Something (or many things) happened in our early lives to spark that belief.
Once that belief begins as a hypothesis in our young brains, we look for ways to prove that it’s true.
The Perfectionist and Time Management
Time management is often a huge issue for perfectionists. The person who has high expectations of themselves often does not set realistic timelines for getting work done. We not only want to do the thing perfectly, we think we need perfect conditions (to include the amount of knowledge in our heads) to do the thing. The person who perceives that others have high expectations of her is often paralyzed by the prospect of failure. The person who places high expectations on others often finds themselves in a crunch because someone else didn’t do something to their standards. Or because someone walked out of their life because they were tired of never measuring up to that person’s ideals.
What is Perfectionism?
It’s hard to catch ourselves being perfectionists because perfectionism feels normal and the beliefs that drive it are often far below the surface of our awareness.
Perfectionism, like high-functioning anxiety can actually help us achieve things. We think it’s a good thing and we strive harder.
It is one of those “humble brags.” When that interviewer asks you to name your strengths and weaknesses, perfectionism is an acceptable weakness because, in theory, it will benefit your employer.
But does it?
It actually can get in the way of productivity, and it definitely gets in the way of life satisfaction.
Communicating Boundaries
Setting boundaries can feel overwhelming when you are new to it. It gets easier over time, but it can still be anxiety-producing, depending on the relationship and what might be at stake. They can feel more do-able when we remember that not all boundaries need to be overtly communicated. Those that do need to be communicated can go better when you put intentionality into how you have that conversation.
5 Markers of Good Boundaries
We want to make sure our boundaries are as effective as possible, otherwise they are just empty threats or requests. We want to make sure they serve the purpose of improving our life satisfaction or helping us live authentically. To do this, we need to be very intentional about the boundaries we set.
5 Myths About Boundaries
As a consumer of social media, I am prone to think of dramatic actions that people often use to avoid dealing with someone in their life or to control them. However, as a therapist, I have a much deeper understanding of what healthy boundaries really are about, why they are necessary and good, and how they help relationships.
Today I am unpacking 5 myths we tend to believe about boundaries.
Journal Prompts for Self-Discovery
When we have years of experience bending and flexing to match our perceptions of what others want us to be, it’s hard to even know where to begin figuring out who we are, what we like and don’t like.